Josh Lott


Josh Lott

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My name is Josh Lott. I have been serving as Pastor here at Ivanhoe Baptist Church since July 2018. I have been married to my best friend Ashley Lott for 21 years. We have 3 children, Austin 19, Avery 17, and Alex 13. 

I came to faith in my early 30's after God open my eyes to who Christ truly is. I felt the call to the ministry in 2014, as well as a strong conviction to share Christ and to teach and display to the world what it truly means to be a disciple of Christ.

Before being in the ministry I served 8 years in the Texas Army National Guard, 12 years in law enforcement, and 2 years in CVS management. I started voluntary ministry in 2014 as the Children's Director at FBC Savoy. I was called to serve at 7th and Main Baptist Church in May of 2016 as the Associate Pastor to Children, before being called to Ivanhoe in July of 2018.

I would love for you to come join us for worship!! Please feel free to reach out to me via email or phone any time. 

God Bless,

Pastor Josh